My Daily Routine

 Hello all

I will be sharing my daily routine activites with you. Stay tuned

Today I am going to share with you my routine activities. Even the Sunday, which is called as a holiday, a weekend, is not a weekend for the women. A lot of work is always standing right in front of her to complete. She has to fulfill all her duties and responsibilites, make everybody happy in the house. Today as I got up late in the morning  9, was feeling very lazy to start the work. But still, I have to do it. Starting from making morning tea (ginger one), till now (evening time).Lunch.

Today I tried Sabbudana tikki for the first time in the breakfast, and believe me, it was so yummy. This I made by seeing the You Tube video. In this lockdown, I tried so many dishes by watching the youtube videos and tried to make new recipes . At the same time , I was also busy in attending the meetings, which are a part of my job. I have to schedule the next day work by discussing with my collegues everyday. 

 While I am writing this blog, I am also involved with talking to my mother-in-law, discussing about regular day activitess. It's equally important to talk to your elders, so that they may not feel neglected. The next thing which is waiting for me to make evening tea which is the need of the hour. Then dinner and then so on....

I am a bit confused about what to make in the dinner. I think this is a regular confusion for all the ladies everyday to think, what new recipe can be cooked. Till now , I haven't decided anything about what to cook, but surely something good.


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